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Quote from Janine in Pilot

Children: Good morning, Ms. Teagues!
Janine: You know, Ms. Howard, you remind me so much of my favorite teacher from the third grade, Ms. Elliot. She was well-dressed, good with kids, a wizard with a glue gun...
Barbara: Thank you, Janine. That is very kind of you.
Janine: Yeah, I-I wanted to be just like her, actually. I was, like, obsessed with her. She wrote in my report card note, "Needs friends her own age. A bit clingy." She was a hoot.
Barbara: Yes.
Janine: Anyway, hey, did you get my e-mail about the two of us hanging together after school or...
Barbara: No. It must have gone to spam.
Janine: It's so crazy how my e-mails do that with you and nobody else.
Barbara: Uh... Class, turn around.
Janine: Bye, Mom... I'm sorry. Ms. Howard. Bye, Ms. Howard.

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