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The Thing That Wouldn't Die: Part Two

‘The Thing That Wouldn't Die: Part Two’

Season 6, Episode 20 -  Aired May 29, 2001

Dick, Sally, Harry and Tommy prepare to leave Earth after the Big Giant Head cancels their mission.

Quote from Harry

Harry: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Look, I think the caterers fixed up a little plate for you and the rest of the guys in the kitchen. But I'd rather you didn't eat in front of the guests.
Elvis Costello: Well, that's fine... but I'd sure like to get paid sometime, Harry.
Harry: You boy bands are all in it for the money, aren't ya?


Quote from Don

Don: Harry, is this your vehicle?
Harry: Yeah.
Don: Well, I'm gonna have to write you up. All novelty vehicles must have a permit displayed. Even the Wienermobile's got one.

Quote from Dick

Dick: Sally. Tommy. We have to get to the field.
Mary: Wait. I want to take one last look at my friends.
Dick: Uh, Mary, to be fair, they're mostly our friends.

Quote from Dick

Sally: How long?
Tommy: Five minutes.
Dick: [sighs] I'm gonna miss a lot about this planet. I only hope that in some small way, my handsome, good looks have made a difference.

Quote from Sally

Sally: [looks down at her chest] Well... good-bye, girls. Veronique.
Harry: Cindy.
Sally: Cindy.

Quote from Dick

Dick: What are you gonna miss the most, Tommy?
Tommy: Um, the way the sky looks from my bedroom window.
Harry: I'm gonna miss the first time you put on a new shirt.
Dick: How 'bout fiber?
Sally: Shoes.
Tommy: Feet.
Harry: Brothers who sell mattresses on TV.
Sally: Sneezing.
Harry: Mel Gibson. [family sighs]
Tommy: Snow.
Dick: Everything.

Quote from Dick

Mary: I'll never forget you.
Dick: If it would help, I can make you forget.
Mary: But how? I didn't think you had any special powers.
Dick: No, it's not a special power. It's more of a gimmick.
Mary: No, that sounds awful. I don't want to forget you.
Dick: But, Mary, it will protect you from hurt. What we had together will remain... deep inside you. And you'll know it's there. It'll be a feeling.
Tommy: Dick, it's time.
Dick: What do you say?
Mary: Okay. As long as I can always love you.
Dick: You will. And I'll always love you. [they kiss] Now, I'm gonna need you to stand very still. [Dick karate chops Mary's neck]
Mary: Ow! Jeez!
Dick: Too low. I- I'm sorry, I only just read about this.

Quote from Dick

Mary: I can't! I can't do this!
Dick: Mary, where are you going?
Mary: Oh, I'm so sorry!
Dick: W-What is it?
Mary: Oh, I can't. I'm afraid. I'm leaving my- my planet, my- my friends, my body, everything!
Dick: But we'll have each other.
Mary: Oh, but it won't be the same.
Dick: We'll be together.
Mary: No, I- I can't! I-
Dick: You're right. You belong here, Mary. We fell in love because you were a human on Earth, and so was I.

Quote from Dick

Tommy: What do they mean, our mission's cancelled?
Dick: Discarded like a lemon rind. Or some kind of hat that people don't like to wear anymore. Well, guess what. Those hats come back into style.
Harry: Yeah. And you wish you still had 'em.
Sally: You do. You do!

Quote from Tommy

Tommy: Cancelled? I was about to become very attractive to girls... over 12.

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