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The Art of Dick

‘The Art of Dick’

Season 1, Episode 11 - Aired March 19, 1996

Harry has failed everything he has tried so far on Earth, so Dick takes him to an art class to uncover his hidden talent.

Quote from Tommy

Dick: [to Harry] Hop to it, you ironically-gifted chowderhead. Why did I say that? What's wrong with me?
Tommy: Could it be - and this is just a wild guess - that Harry is way better at something than you?
Dick: Oh, give me some credit. I'm the High Commander. I don't engage in petty rivalry.
Tommy: [scoffs] Look, Dick, you're actually younger than me, right?
Dick: Right.
Tommy: But on this mission you got to be taller. Now, don't you think that eats my lunch just a little bit? You don't see me whining.
Dick: So how can you be so cool about it?
Tommy: 'Cause I'm older than you, little buddy.


Quote from Sally

Sally: Tommy, I got a reconnaissance report from Mrs. Nadle. Our only real competition is the kissing booth. This year they have hookers.
Tommy: Sally, those are cheerleaders.
Sally: Not if they're charging.

Quote from Sally

Tommy: What's that smell?
Sally: I'm making blueberry muffins.
Dick: Smells like they're done.
Sally: No, the timer didn't go off.
Dick: Yes, but Lieutenant-
Sally: Dick, I have incinerated entire armies. I think I can handle an oven.
Tommy: Oh, I'm glad to hear you say that 'cause I kind of signed you up for a bake sale.
Sally: What's a bake sale?
Tommy: Oh, it's just an attempt to revive a failing educational system through parental involvement.
Sally: A fine cause. I'm there.
Tommy: You know, I really think you should check on those muffins.
Sally: The box said 15 minutes. You don't argue with the box.

Quote from Sally

Mrs. Walters: Okay, everybody, let's take our seats and get started. As you know, this is my sixth year as chairman of the bake sale. And, um I think we've done pretty darn well. Last year, we raised $500.
Sally: How much did you make before that?
Mrs. Walters: Well, I don't want to brag, but we've made roughly $500 each of the last six years.
Sally: Uh-huh. So what you're saying is, the group is stagnating under your leadership.
Mrs. Walters: You're new around here. Let's start the meeting, shall we? Any thoughts on this year's sale?
Sally: Yeah, I have a thought. This group isn't advancing. It's retreating. You dropped the ball, sister.
Mrs. Walters: I am a master chef. I trained at the culinary institute of Pittsburgh. I think I know a little bit about baking.
Sally: Okay, well, here's what I know about baking: zip. These troops need a leader, not some chirpy, weak-chinned, underachieving drone. No offense. Look, if you aim for 500 bucks, you get 500 bucks. But there's a saying where I come from, "When you want to punch someone in the nose, you aim for the back of the head." That is, if they have a head. So, I say aim for 10 grand and don't settle for anything less than five.

Quote from Dick

Dick: Ah, Dr. Albright. There's something different about you this morning.
Mary: I have a new blouse.
Dick: No, that's not it. And I hope you didn't pay too much for it. That's it! It's the box. What's in it?
Mary: Oh, this? Painting supplies. I'm taking a painting class. I'm not very good at it.
Dick: So, you're bad.
Mary: Well, I wouldn't say I was bad. You have to understand I have incredibly high standards and I tend to be very critical of myself. But, as an amateur, I've demonstrated quite a bit of potential.
Dick: So, you're bad.
Mary: Yeah, but art is essentially subjective. There is no good or bad.
Dick: So if you stink, you're still allowed to do it? That sounds perfect.
Mary: Are you interested? Me?
Dick: Don't be ridiculous. I was talking about Harry. Oh, you thought I was worried about being less than perfect? That's rich. [laughs]

Quote from Harry

Dick: Harry. Harry, what's wrong?
Harry: I got fired from my job at the kids' pizza place.
Dick: Oh, no.
Harry: Yes. They dressed me up like a giant mouse, so I figure I'll just get into character, and then they complain when I eat off the floor.

Quote from Dick

Dick: I found something else for you to do. You're coming with me to an art class.
Harry: Art? I wasn't creative enough to be a rodent.
Dick: No, no, you don't have to be creative to do art. You just have to be a certain type. Now, you've been ostracized, spit upon, and strangers repeatedly tell you that you're crazy. You've got everything it takes.

Quote from Harry

Harry: "The Last Supper" by Leonardo Da Vinci.
Tommy: Boy, the guy in the middle really knows how to throw a party, huh?
Harry: And he's sitting in front of the archway.
Sally: So what?
Harry: Well, the negative space in the archway draws our focus. And the hills outside the archway fade into a bluish haze, creating distance. So it's sort of like it's not just a party, it's a going-away party.
Dick: Harry, I'm impressed.
Harry: Mmm, me, too. Can we buy it?
Dick: Oh, don't be silly. After one week, we'd be sick of it.

Quote from Harry

Harry: Oh, Dick, this is wonderful. Do you have any idea how good it feels to do something for the first time and not suck at it?
Emily: Well, hello. It's nice to see a couple of fresh faces.
Dick: Well, we're very fresh.
Harry: Squeeze my head. It's soft.

Quote from Dick

Mary: Oh, Harry, that's really interesting.
Dick: I remember that.
Harry: Yeah. That was that thing that burst out of that guy's thorax.
Dick: And we hit it and hit it and hit it and it just wouldn't die. [both laugh] [to Mary] It's a family joke. Sorry.

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