Dick Quote #1251
Quote from Dick in Dick and Tuck
Dick: How can you possibly say Harrison Ford is sexier than I am? I mean, just because he's got those incredible cheekbones and that perfectly chiseled jaw and those penetrating brown eyes that you... you could almost lose yourself in if you stare at them long enough... Whoa!
Mary: But I love you. See you, Dick.
Dick: [holds hand mirror in one hand and magazine in the other] Oh, my God! I'm hideous!
3rd Rock from the Sun Quotes
‘Dick and Tuck’ Quotes
Quote from Nina
Dick: Nina, I just want you to know that after my surgery, I'm going to be devastatingly handsome. It's going to be very difficult for you to keep your hands off of me.
Nina: Oh, really?
Dick: But no matter how gorgeous I look, it'll still be me underneath, and, uh, I'm still not attracted to you.
Nina: And I just want you to know that if you never came out of anesthesia, that that would be okay with me.
Dick: Thank you. That is so sweet.
Quote from Sally
Sally: Unbelievable. Look at all these magazines. Everything revolves around the beautiful people. They have it all. I mean how are the rest of us supposed to compete?
Harry: Well, you got a big hunk of celery in your teeth, and that won't help.
Sally: Thanks. Look at this. Every beautiful woman is with a beautiful guy.
Harry: Yeah, we do tend to gravitate to our own kind.
Sally: Man, how did a gorgeous guy like Don end up with a double-bagger like me?
Harry: It's a brain-teaser.
Sally: It's wrong. It is wrong, Harry. I mean, this- This is the life Don should be living. He should be the dude with the hot babe on his shoulders. And he should be on the jet-ski with a menthol cigarette in his mouth but he's not. Because I'm draggin' him down. I'm draggin' my beautiful Donny down.
Harry: Mmm. You know, I didn't want to say anything, but you totally are.
Sally: Thanks, Harry. Now I know what to do.
Quote from Sally
Sally: Come on, Don. Stop pretending. I mean, you and I both know that a relationship cannot last when one of the people looks like me and the other looks like you.
Don: Damn it! I knew one day you'd wake up and realize what was goin' on.
Sally: Don't kick yourself, Donny. We gave it our best shot.
Don: I thought we were beyond looks, Sally.
Sally: Come on, Don. Look at you. How could we get beyond that?
Don: Yeah, I guess so.
Sally: Don't get me wrong. I appreciate your kindness. Not many men would hang in there with a gal as unattractive as me.
Don: What?
Sally: Don't make me spell it out for you, Don. I know I'm as ugly as they come. I don't even know how you can stand to look at me.
Don: ... ... Well, Sally, I'm not gonna lie to ya. It's been hard. It's been a real struggle. And granted, we'll continue to get stares out in public, but... that's a price I'm willing to pay because I love you.
Sally: Oh, Donny! Oh, ho ho! Thank you! Thank you!