Harry Quote #84

Quote from Harry in Angry Dick

Harry: Who is that smoldering beauty with the fiery eyes?
Mrs. Dubcek: Katie Couric.
Harry: Katie Couric. It sounds like something beautiful stuck in your throat.


 ‘Angry Dick’ Quotes

Quote from Dick

Dick: It seems that some of the subtler principles of electron motion were beyond everyone's grasp. [all groan] Be thankful it's just a grade. In most places, this kind of performance gets you a spanking that still burns when you're blown out the airlock.
Leon: Dr. Solomon, are you at least going to grade us on a curve?
Dick: Of course not. I grade on a transient loop.
Leon: What?
Dick: It's very simple. Your expected score is located here, the parameters of your actual performance are here, here and here, driving the expectation versus performance data into the last three loops, two of which can't be seen because, of course, they're factored only in time.
Caryn: So is my "A" still an "A"?
Dick: Oh, Caryn. No.

Quote from Harry

Dick: Pseudofamily.
Tommy: Where have you been?
Dick: I have been in Frank Muller's garage. We bragged, we laughed, we tinkered. He let me touch his stuff. It feels good to be around Frank. It fills an empty space I've been feeling right here. I think it's because we're friends.
Harry: [sings] So no one told you it was gonna be this way. [all clap]

Quote from Mrs. Dubcek

Dick: Mrs. Dubcek, I need to go next door and become neighborly. What do you know about the Mullers?
Mrs. Dubcek: Oh. They're lovely, very nice. Of course, I shouldn't talk.
Dick: It's true your voice is not one of your best assets, but go ahead.
Mrs. Dubcek: All right. The Mullers have had their ups and downs. I guess her husband had some problems in the bedroom area.
Dick: Which area? The closet?
Mrs. Dubcek: Well, that's what I thought it was at first, too, but it turned out to be a vitamin deficiency.