Leon Quotes   Page 2 of 3  

Quote from Dick and the Other Guy

Dick: And for shorter distances, compared to a wavelength, we know that EW equals one over R-cubed and- Hello, Liam. Can I help you?
Dr. Liam Neesam: No, but I can help you. This is rather puzzling. Um, you have five unnecessary terms.
Dick: Now, now, Dr. Neesam. This is my class.
Dr. Liam Neesam: Yes, but you see, here and, uh, here brackets here, of course. Now, these terms are all equal and self-nullifying. Voila.
Dick: But that doesn't work.
Dr. Liam Neesam: Yes, it does.
Dick: No, it doesn't.
Dr. Liam Neesam: Yes, it does.
Leon: Oh, Dear god, I understand that! Yes, sweet mother! For the first time in my life, I see how something works!
Dick: Oh, shut up, Leon!


Quote from Superstitious Dick

Dick: All right, everybody, clear your desks. All you will need is your examination and a number 2 pencil. You will have exactly one hour-- Uh, Leon, clear your desk.
Leon: Dr. Solomon, that's my lucky rabbit's foot. See, I really wanna do well on this test.
Dick: And a severed foot of a lagomorphic mammal increases your chances of getting a good grade?
Leon: That's what I'm hoping for, yes.
Dick: Well, what about studying? That works for most people.
Leon: Not me. That's why I got this.

Quote from Alien Hunter

Charlotte Everly: Excuse me. What are you doing here? I called you and told you there was no party.
Leon: Yeah, I know. But sometimes Dr. Solomon will do things to trick me, and then he yells at me.
Charlotte Everly: Uh, you know, all the other guests are hiding in the basement, so come on, let's go.
Leon: I knew there was a party.

Quote from Frozen Dick

Leon: Uh okay, I know the term paper's late, but my car wouldn't st-
Sally: Who cares? You're alive. You're alive. Who are you?
Leon: Oh, I-I'm a student of Dr. Solomon's. My name's Leon.
Sally: I'm a sister of Dr. Solomon's. My name's Sally.
Leon: Yeah, I know. I saw you one day when you dropped off his lunch. And then you went to the dry cleaners, and then to the shoe repair place, and then the car wash. And then you went home and read a book by the window for three hours.
Sally: I remember that day.

Quote from Frozen Dick

Leon: So then Freddy Stivender beat the crap out of me. It was the talk of the school. I was so embarrassed. But after weeks of plotting, I got my revenge.
Sally: What did you do?
Leon: I had my mom tell his mom.
Sally: I like your tactics.
Leon: You know, it may just be the wine talking, but I'm beginning to think in a crazy world like this, you and me just might make sense. [goes to kiss Sally]
Sally: Hey, lights!
Leon: They'll be out again in a second... if there's a God in heaven.
Sally: People are outside shoveling snow. We're not the last people alive on Earth. Leon, now we don't have to sacrifice ourselves. Leon, you don't have to impregnate me!
Leon: Uh... oh, good.

Quote from Father Knows Dick

Dick: Leon, did your dad ever give you a belt?
Leon: No. No, my dad's great. We had this tradition, every August, we rent a cabin on Lake Erie. We pick up a case of tall boys, get faced, and hit on the girls who rent the pontoon boats. He's really good at it.

Quote from Same Old Song and Dick

Mary: Read 'em and weep.
Leon: Good bye, underwear.
Bug: Leon, you still got your socks on, buddy!
Leon: My feet get cold.

Quote from Scaredy Dick

Dick: Have you seen Dr. Albright?
Leon: Well, what is she dressed like?
Dick: Uh, Nancy Kassebaum, the former Republican senator from Kansas.
Bug: Uh, we haven't seen her.
Leon: Yeah, I would have noticed that.

Quote from Dick on a Roll

Dick: You've all inspired me. I will fight for this until the bitter end.
Pitman: I'm with you, man!
Caryn: Me, too!
Bug: All right!
Leon: I'm less enthusiastic, but I'll show up.

Quote from Dick and Tuck

Dick: Uh, Leon, you'll give me a straight answer.
Leon: Me? Well, uh... Dr. Solomon, I've always found high cheekbones to be very attractive.
Dick: Like mine?
Leon: Actually, more like Pitman's.
Pitman: What?

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