Sally: Oh, yes, the honking drives me mad with desire! Ah, you've noticed I have breasts. Good for you. [to Rico] Don left this in our bathroom.
Rico: Hey, Sally, you look nice.
Sally: Why, thank you. You've got me all hot now. I'd jump right into bed with you, but you'll have to get in line behind two construction workers, a mailman, and a twelve-year-old boy.
Rico: Sorry.
Don: Sally, he was just paying you an innocent compliment.
Sally: Well, I'm quite aware of how sexually attractive I am. I get it. Now let's move on.
Don: Sally, please, calm down.
Sally: What is that, some sort of menstruation crack? Well, I've got a news flash for you, Don Orville, and for all the men of Rutherford. Beneath this pretty package is a mind! Do you hear me? A mind!