Quote from Harry in Two-Faced Dick
Harry: Tommy, am I a Virgo or a Capricorn? Tommy: I don't know. What's your birthday? Harry: Does it matter? Because this horoscope right [voice quavers] here... Incoming message from the Big Giant Head! Tommy: Hey, Dick, get in here! Harry: To ensure better customer service, this transmission may be monitored. Dick: What is it? Harry: The Big Giant Head has received your Lieutenant's request for gender reassignment. Dick: What? Tommy: Wait, Sally sent that thing off, like, three years ago. Harry: The Big Giant Head hereby approves your request. For your convenience, your Lieutenant's body will be switched with that of your High Commander. Dick: Lieutenant, you get in here! Harry: Prepare to exchange forms in 3, 2, 1... [Harry, Dick and Sally sneeze]