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Quote from Sally in Will Work for Dick

Sally: Tommy!
Tommy: [o.s.] I'm not coming out.
Sally: I want to play Barbie.
Tommy: I feel like Tommy Longstocking.
Sally: That's what I was going for. Now sit down. You're Ken. Okay, Ken, so what do you want to do today?
Tommy: Hmm, nothing that involves bending my knees or elbows.
Sally: Okay, well, have a great day at work.
Tommy: I will. And while there, I'll earn 25% more than you because I'm a man.
Sally: That's not fair. I'm going to sue you in Malibu Dream Court.
Tommy: Don't get your mink in a bunch, precious.
Sally: Okay, well, now you're talking down to me. So now I have to rip your head off.

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