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Quote from Tommy in World's Greatest Dick

Tommy: What is Dick's problem? I don't want to go to the Pickney school.
August: Of course you don't. Your father's a professor. By rejecting education, you're rejecting him. Rejection's the most powerful weapon there is.
Tommy: [scoffs] Well, maybe on Earth. I know this is going to be miserable. I already hate it there. You know, all those brainy girls are going to be ugly.
August: Are you saying that intelligent girls are, by definition, unattractive?
Tommy: Yeah, most of them are. Oh, w- Well, not all of them are. I mean- In fact, on the graph of smart girls and the graph of pretty ones, you're the sole intersection, the single point of perfection in an infinity of stupid and homely.
August: Wow. You are gifted.

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