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Quote from Mary in Frozen Dick

Mary: [sings] A boy like that will kill your brother Forget that boy and find another One of your own kind, stick to your own kind A boy who kills cannot love A boy who kills has no heart And he's a boy who has no heart, very smart Oh, no, Anita, no, you should know-
Dick: Oh, my god. Fear has made you hysterical.
Mary: Oh, no, no, no. I just like to sing show tunes on long trips. Before I found anthropology, I was going to be a theater major. Did I ever tell you why I became a teacher?
Dick: I don't think this is the best time-
Mary: Well, like all little girls, I had a thing for neolithic archeology. My father used to cut up my Barbies and bury the pieces in the backyard so I could discover them. Only problem was, on my first dig I discovered I was afraid of skeletons.

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