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Quote from Dick in Frozen Dick

[Dick tries to climb into the overhead luggage compartment]
Mary: What are you doing?
Dick: I'm entering the pod.
Mary: For God's sakes, just sit down and behave yourself.
Dick: Of course I will, Mary. Here I am, sitting. You just be calm. Take a deep breath.
Stewardess: [over P.A.] Welcome to Northview Airlines Flight 604 to Chicago.
Dick: Oh, my god! Out there! There's something on the wing!
Mary: It's an engine!
Dick: This thing is a deathtrap! Sky waitress! Sky waitress!
Stewardess: Please be quiet during safety procedures.
Dick: Safety? On this flying donkey cart? That's rich. How can this woman stay calm when, at any second, we could go careening out of the sky in a flaming heap of twisted metal?
Stewardess: Sir, everything is going to be-
Dick: At least give her a gelatin-filled helmet to keep her brain intact. She's receiving an award!
Stewardess: Please sit down.
Dick: No! We're getting off! Who's with me?

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